There are different ways a hacker can go about cracking a password. Below I will explain and give an example of each way.
A dictionary attack is when a text file full of commonly used passwords, or a list of every word from the dictionary is used against a password database. Strong passwords usually aren’t vulnerable to this kind of attack. In the following example, I will use Brutus, a very common password cracker, to show a dictionary attack against an ftp server. Brutus is a Windows only program, but at the end of this chapter I will list a couple more password crackers, some of which are made for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
Dictionary Attacks
Before I get into the example, you must first know what an FTP server is. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a simple way to exchange files over the internet. If a hacker got FTP access to my website, he could delete/upload anything he wants on my server. An FTP address looks similar to a website address except it uses the prefix ftp:// instead of http://. I set up an FTP server on my computer so I could demonstrate. You can get Brutus at .
1. First the hacker would choose a target. In this case it’s my home computer and the IP address for your home computer is .
2. By going to I get a pop-up box asking for a username and password.
3. Next the hacker would launch a program similar to Brutus and attempt to crack the password.
4. In the target you put the IP address of the website and to the right select the appropriate option, which in this case is FTP.
5. The default port is 21 but some websites change this to make them a little more secure. If you find out that the port isn’t 21, you can find the right one by doing a port scan. We will get into this later in the book.
6. If you don’t know any of the usernames for the FTP server, then you will have to get a list of the most common usernames.
7. For a dictionary attack you will have to choose the pass mode Word List and browse and select the file containing your word list. You can get some good password lists at
37 . Below are examples of what a username and password list might look like.
8. Once you hit Start the program will attempt to connect to the server and begin to try all the possible combinations from your lists.
9. If you’re lucky, eventually it’ll get the right Username:Password combination. As you can see below, it got the correct combination of username – admin and password – password.
10. A smarter hacker would use a proxy when using a program like this. What a proxy does is cloaks your IP address by sending your connection request through another computer before going to the target. This is a smart idea because as you will see in the image below, Brutus leaves a huge log of your presence on the target server.
11. In place of the IP address would be the hackers IP address. Footprints like these get a hacker caught and into a lot of trouble with the law.
With time, brute-force attacks can crack any passwords. Brute-force attacks try every possible combination of letters, numbers, and special characters until the right password is found. Brute-force attacks can take a long time. The speed is determined by the speed of the computer running the cracking program and the complexity of the password. Below I will show you how Brutus can be used against the same FTP server but this time using the brute-force option.
Brute-force Attacks
1. Put in the target and port the same way you did for the dictionary attack. For the pass mode choose Brute-force and click range.
2. If you have an idea of what the password might be, then you can choose the right option. For example if you know a site that requires your password to be a certain length then you’ll know what to put down as a
minimum length thus narrowing down the end results and shortening the cracking process.
3. I chose lowercase alpha which has the second smallest amount of combinations. Even at second smallest it came up with 321, 272,407 possible password combinations. Now you know why it can take so long to crack one password.
A Rainbow table is a huge pre-computed list of hash values for every possible combination of characters. A password hash is a password that has gone through a mathematical algorithm that transformed it into something absolutely foreign. A hash is a one way encryption so once a password is hashed there is no way to get the original string from the hashed string. A very common hashing algorithm used as security to store passwords in website databases is MD5.
Rainbow Tables
Let’s say you are registering for a website. You put in a username and password. Now when you submit, your password goes through the MD5 algorithm and the outcome hash is stored in a database. Now since you can’t get the password from the hash, you may be wondering how they know if your password is right when you login. Well when you login and submit your username and password, a script takes your password and runs it through the md5 algorithm. The outcome hash is compared to the hash stored in the database. If they are the same, you are admitted.
If I were to run the word “cheese” through the md5 algorithm, the outcome would be fea0f1f6fede90bd0a925b4194deac11. Having huge tables of every possible character combination hashed is a much better alternative to brute-force cracking. Once the rainbow tables are created, cracking the password is a hundred times faster than brute-forcing it. I will show an example of rainbow table cracking when we get into Windows password cracking.
A dictionary attack is when a text file full of commonly used passwords, or a list of every word from the dictionary is used against a password database. Strong passwords usually aren’t vulnerable to this kind of attack. In the following example, I will use Brutus, a very common password cracker, to show a dictionary attack against an ftp server. Brutus is a Windows only program, but at the end of this chapter I will list a couple more password crackers, some of which are made for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
Dictionary Attacks
Before I get into the example, you must first know what an FTP server is. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a simple way to exchange files over the internet. If a hacker got FTP access to my website, he could delete/upload anything he wants on my server. An FTP address looks similar to a website address except it uses the prefix ftp:// instead of http://. I set up an FTP server on my computer so I could demonstrate. You can get Brutus at .
1. First the hacker would choose a target. In this case it’s my home computer and the IP address for your home computer is .
2. By going to I get a pop-up box asking for a username and password.
3. Next the hacker would launch a program similar to Brutus and attempt to crack the password.
4. In the target you put the IP address of the website and to the right select the appropriate option, which in this case is FTP.
5. The default port is 21 but some websites change this to make them a little more secure. If you find out that the port isn’t 21, you can find the right one by doing a port scan. We will get into this later in the book.
6. If you don’t know any of the usernames for the FTP server, then you will have to get a list of the most common usernames.
7. For a dictionary attack you will have to choose the pass mode Word List and browse and select the file containing your word list. You can get some good password lists at
37 . Below are examples of what a username and password list might look like.
8. Once you hit Start the program will attempt to connect to the server and begin to try all the possible combinations from your lists.
9. If you’re lucky, eventually it’ll get the right Username:Password combination. As you can see below, it got the correct combination of username – admin and password – password.
10. A smarter hacker would use a proxy when using a program like this. What a proxy does is cloaks your IP address by sending your connection request through another computer before going to the target. This is a smart idea because as you will see in the image below, Brutus leaves a huge log of your presence on the target server.
11. In place of the IP address would be the hackers IP address. Footprints like these get a hacker caught and into a lot of trouble with the law.
With time, brute-force attacks can crack any passwords. Brute-force attacks try every possible combination of letters, numbers, and special characters until the right password is found. Brute-force attacks can take a long time. The speed is determined by the speed of the computer running the cracking program and the complexity of the password. Below I will show you how Brutus can be used against the same FTP server but this time using the brute-force option.
Brute-force Attacks
1. Put in the target and port the same way you did for the dictionary attack. For the pass mode choose Brute-force and click range.
2. If you have an idea of what the password might be, then you can choose the right option. For example if you know a site that requires your password to be a certain length then you’ll know what to put down as a
minimum length thus narrowing down the end results and shortening the cracking process.
3. I chose lowercase alpha which has the second smallest amount of combinations. Even at second smallest it came up with 321, 272,407 possible password combinations. Now you know why it can take so long to crack one password.
A Rainbow table is a huge pre-computed list of hash values for every possible combination of characters. A password hash is a password that has gone through a mathematical algorithm that transformed it into something absolutely foreign. A hash is a one way encryption so once a password is hashed there is no way to get the original string from the hashed string. A very common hashing algorithm used as security to store passwords in website databases is MD5.
Rainbow Tables
Let’s say you are registering for a website. You put in a username and password. Now when you submit, your password goes through the MD5 algorithm and the outcome hash is stored in a database. Now since you can’t get the password from the hash, you may be wondering how they know if your password is right when you login. Well when you login and submit your username and password, a script takes your password and runs it through the md5 algorithm. The outcome hash is compared to the hash stored in the database. If they are the same, you are admitted.
If I were to run the word “cheese” through the md5 algorithm, the outcome would be fea0f1f6fede90bd0a925b4194deac11. Having huge tables of every possible character combination hashed is a much better alternative to brute-force cracking. Once the rainbow tables are created, cracking the password is a hundred times faster than brute-forcing it. I will show an example of rainbow table cracking when we get into Windows password cracking.
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