An Introduction to DDOS Attack - A Beginners Tutorial
Today I will discuss an Advanced Attack to Deface a site. This Attack is used to stop functioning of a site so that no one can access it.
Basic Procedure/Logic employed in DDOS :
1.) Open Command Prompt in windows by going to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt.
2.) Type "ping site-ip -l 5120 -n 100000 -w 1".
Here "site-ip" is the IP Address of Target, You can also use site-name like "" instead of site-ip."5120" is the size of packet sent to the target Which is 5 KB in example. "100000" is the no of requests sent to the Target. "- w 1" is the waiting time after each request which is 1 sec in example. You can change these parameters according to your need, but Don't omit these.
This Attack is also called "Ping of Death"
But In Actual a Single Computer using this Attack cannot Deface a Site for long time. Hackers Create and install botnets on different computers as trojans and use those Comprised Computers also to send these Dummy Packets to Target. When a Large no of Compromised Computer send simultaneous Requests to the target, the target site will be offline and Defaced
Note: This is for educational purpose only Don't use to harm any Server or site and most important Don't use it on my site....