how to create partition by F-Disk?
note:- F-DISK show's less space then the original space present in hard drive
-follow this step's F-Disk & enter 1 ,i.e - create dos partition or logical dos drive.
2. then choose option - create primary dos prtition
3.then it will ask you that do you want to use the whole hard
drive for primary dos partition choose no.
4. then it will ask you to enter the partition size that you want to create .
note:- don't use the amount of disk space that i shown by f-disk.enter less amount of disk space then that is shown in F-DISK.
5. after the partition is created go back to the main menu and repeat step 1, then choose option - create extended dos partition [then it will show you the space available then hit enter]
6. after that create the logical drive.
7. go back to the main menu & choose option 2. i.e, set active partition
8.enter the number of the partition you want to make active
9.every thing is finished....restart your computer.
insert the operating system disk then create delete all partition created by F-DISk then create partition by the OS now it will not show any problem in installing or formatting the hard drive.
hope it will help u.....